Comfort and charm, in harmony with nature, this house came with a great acquisition story. The dream of its owner, to preserve an antique cottage, was totally out of convention.
That didn’t deter her. “I loved the historic details, character, the possibility of having a garden and being side-to-side to the urban park and didn’t want to strip it of the feel it deserved,” says Julieta.
Julieta started, not only preserving its original design, but also adding elements that would give it a familiar, cozy and modern environment, embracing the ever-so-cozy style of the moment.
Good things take time, and fifteen years later, after much rebuilding and redoing, the renovation is complete. “It took this long because the house attracted, in the first years, the interest of the municipality of having a restaurant at the place, but becoming only a home was, at last, it’s final destiny. And thinking that a house should come together both quickly and cheaply it’s a myth”.